.....no no no. I'm back with my reports. Not that u would think I'm lazy, doing nothing except sleeping and eating. Since one week wer are in Hanoi. For Traveller to long and for the foreigners besides the traveller we are recently arrived. so what does that mean, recently? The first days we've stayed in one of the volunteers house of solidarite jeunesse, a ngo working on social developement with the youth. We had a free stay, a good company, fun and a lot of moskitos. Last monday we had our first day at the isds ( institute for social developement studies). There we met our Boss Mr. Suanh and Ms Hong the for us responsible. For all those who might forgot what our so far supposed project should deal with. It should have been about documentary filming on the topic hiv and stigma. but by now we've realized that different sometimes different means. so far, no camera, no film, only hiv and stigma. Instead of that we've started a research on corruption in public health sector. isds is a nongovernmental institute and runs mostly from funds and suppot from different foundations. The topics they work on reach from sexuality in society, gender, hiv stigma and prevention to other health related topics. For those who are really interrested in the topics of the isds check http://www.isds.org.vn/home.asp
Our jobs now are kind of scoutmissions to figure out what kind of surveys already exist on corruption in the health sector. we will see. Our collegues are very kind even if we are not able to understand what they are talking about during lunchtime. We have our own cook there, our own office with ac and adsl. so far so good nothin to complain about.
On thursday we moved in our new home which is close to the center more than comfortable, especially if u are used to share a room with 4 other people. So now we have a pretty nice place ( i won't write that we are proud to have a house for our own) with everything we need to feel spoiled and we only pay for electricity, totally weird. And indeed, since our arrival in hanoi i didn' take one picture. By now I'm pretty exhausted because of the hang overs of the last two nights. Only to scratch on the surface. The nightlife her is limited. Because of the law Bars and Clubs use to close at midnight. But if u know the rigt people (thanks niels) u might have party untill five and later. The so called lightouse may probably not enlight u but flashs u with its bad djs. But its the only place where the barowner is keen enough to bribe the police. after that experience, u only have to find your way home and you should be able to explain yourself to the guy with the ak47 who probably thinks you would try to brake in your own house. so far my vietnamese is still bad but I'm trying everyday. Next time i will post some pics, maybe maybe not. all of u take care and i go out for dinner bye
Und alle die jetzt noch weiter lesen koennen habe ich besonders gern. das beste gegen hangover ist kophoerer auf und sich durch die stadt cruisen lassen, sich an den see flanken und nichts tun wenns regnet spart mensch wasser. danach palaver auf der strasse und der tag ist fast vorbei, waere da nicht noch ein grossartiges essen. wer mich besuchen kommen will auf ein bia hoi und einen videoabend( ich schaetze hier sind 253 filme un ein dicker fernseher), sei genauso willkommen wie der oder diejenige die sich mal richtig selbstverlieren wollen. Ich habe den HAKEN (danke dafuer) an der sache noch nicht gefunden, zoegere es hinaus ihn zu suchen. so diese blogger backding/ das heist wohl dashboard) is nur in vietnamesisch, wenn eineR von euch weiss wie man das umstellt, ich weiss wer euch dankt. machts gut und demnaechst kommt mehr.